
AllCampgrounds Nature-Watching Series: Getting Started in Bird Watching

June 21, 2010
Filed under: Nature Tags: ,
The American bald eagle, a “rite of passage” for many bird watchers

The American bald eagle, a “rite of passage” for many bird watchers
Photo by: Rob Sylvan (Stock Exchange)

A while back on AllCampgrounds, we got started with a great new series where we’ll show you just where to go to enjoy some of nature’s most spectacular creatures while you enjoy your tent camping or RV camping vacations. We got started with some of the top camp grounds in the nation for seeing bald eagles and other rare and amazing birds, but there’s just one thing missing: a guide to getting started in this fascinating hobby. After all, everybody should be in on the fun. So, we’re going to talk Birding 101 today.


AllCampgrounds Nature-Watching Series: The Best in Bird Watching

June 15, 2010
Filed under: Nature Tags: ,
The black-headed bunting, one of about 2,000 bird species in North America

The black-headed bunting, one of about 2,000 bird species in North America
Photo by: Akbar Nemati (Stock Exchange)

Today on AllCampgrounds, we embark on a whole new journey to find the best camp grounds for your nature-watching needs.

Just about everyone who loves camping loves to enjoy nature up close, and there’s no better way to enjoy it than a good, clear view of local wildlife you just can’t see day-to-day.

Of course, we all know that you’ve got to “leave no trace”, and nobody is better at this than experienced bird watchers. So, to get started, we’ll be picking out the best of all campsites for birding.
