
Igloo Camping: Could This be the Ultimate Winter Camping Experience?

November 4, 2011
Filed under: Camping, Nature Tags: ,
Self-made igloo

Self-made igloo
Michael Faes (Stock Exchange)

Welcome back to AllCampgrounds!

You know, one of the best things about camping is how creative it is.

RV campers and tent campers alike are always finding new ways to enjoy and learn about nature.

What better way to “Leave No Trace” than bring back one of the oldest and most eco-friendly ways of camping?

If you never let winter stop you from getting outside, then AllCampgrounds has the great idea you’re waiting for: igloo camping. Sound impossible? It may be easier than you think! (more…)

AllCampgrounds Gears Up for Winter Camping! Part 1 …

October 21, 2011
Filed under: Camping, Camping Safety, Nature Tags:
Find that aurora!

Find that aurora!
Photo by: Brian Stevens (Stock Exchange)

It’s only October, but tent campers know that the best way to get the prime spots at many parks and campgrounds is to plan ahead; and if you’re feeling adventurous this winter, then it’s always best to be prepared!

Yes, while winter sees many camp grounds around the U.S. close down for the season, there are always those that stay open year round. The intrepid tent camper can also look for backcountry adventures – only for the outdoors expert, of course!

Today, AllCampgrounds will review some nifty sites on the web for those who plan to brave the cold and enjoy some winter camping this year.

Ice Fishing While Camping

February 16, 2009

Part of the camping experience involves other outdoor activities. Though we are nearing the end of the winter season, Ice Fishing is still an activity that campers may enjoy in many backcountry areas. Many state parks have lakes that are great for this also. There are of course rules and regulations that must be followed. Check with your state for the correct rules and necessary licensing. Other than that there are some basic safety rules that should be followed.


Winter Camping-It’s Cool!

February 12, 2009
Filed under: Camping, Nature Tags:
Most people think of camping as a summer event, early fall at the latest. Well believe it, or not there are many people who actually prefer winter camping. (Personally, the juries still out for this camper). Winter camping is available in several State and National parks, such as Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and in the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.